Start Process

Bag Drop
Anyone needing to drop their bag off on the morning, please do so at Lions Park prior to heading to your start wave – there will be NO bag drop facility at the start line. Please allow 15 minutes to walk from Lions Park to your start area.


Toilets will be located at Lions Park, all Race Start Locations and at Aid Stations along the course.
Please allow time to use these prior to lining up for your race start.

Event Information
Event information is located in Lions Park next to our Merchandise store. Our team can assist with any Race Day inquiries you may have.

Race Bib
Race bibs are to be worn on your front. Your timing chip is attached to your race bib. Be careful not to bend your bib prior to your race to avoid damaging your timing chip. Please ensure you pre-organise pins or a race belt to attach your Race Bib.

Start Zones Access

  • Marathon: Please follow the orange dotted line situated on the south side of Noosa Parade from Lions Park to access your start line area. There you will line up in your start zone colours. 
  • Half Marathon: Is located in Lions Park, please use the entry access points to each start zone colour, to line up accordingly.
  • 10km: Please follow the orange dotted line situated on the south side of Noosa Parade from Lions Park to access your start line area. There you will line up in your start zone colours. 
  • 5km: Please follow the orange dotted line situated on the south side of Noosa Parade from Lions Park to access your start line area. There you will line up in your start zone colours. 

Race Day Checklist

  • Your race number (and pins to attach it).
  • You official gear bag for bag drop labelled with supplied bag tag.
  • Weather appropriate clothing, plus sunscreen and cap.
  • Please ensure you have completed the back of your race number with your name, any medical conditions and a contact name and phone number (other than your own or someone else running) in case of emergency.
  • Please pin your race number to the front of your T-shirt or running vest and make sure it is clearly visible. You must not use someone else’s number, nor let someone else use yours.
  • Your race number carries your disposable timing chip which is your unique timing device for the race. You must wear your race number to be classified as a starter and a finisher of the race and have your time recorded. Timing chips do not need to be returned.
  • This is a fully supported marathon with Aid stations, so you do not need to carry a hydration pack unless you want to. The course is all on-road, so road running shoes should be worn.

Race Rules

Event exclusions

Due to Health and Safety, wheeled conveyances (including race wheelchairs, baby buggies, scooters, bikes, inline skates) cannot be used for all events. Accompanying animals are not allowed on the course. Headphones and personal music devices are discouraged. 

The safety of all athletes on course is our priority. Due to course conditions (including multiple laps of the track, density of athletes and tight corners) certain distances are not suitable to be completed using wheelchairs (racing and non-racing) or with prams. If you would like information on other events where the course is able to accommodate wheelchairs and/or prams, please email us at: 

Health and safety

Important Medical and Health Information

  • Your safety is our primary concern. The medical team will be staffing the medical facilities Lions Park, Noosa Heads. Medical resources will also be available while you are out on course.
  • If you are not feeling well on race morning, we strongly advise you not to start the event.
  • If you start to feel unwell at any point during the race, we urge you to seek help rather than continue.


If at any time during the race you experience chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, lightheadedness (dizziness), numbness around the mouth or in hands, difficulty concentrating, or stop sweating please stop immediately and seek medical attention.

    • During the run: If you are at a water station or aid station, let someone know you are in need of medical help. If you are not at or near a water station or aid station – STOP – let someone know you need medical help. Anyone can help - another participant, a volunteer, a staff vehicle, event support vehicle; even a spectator. Have them alert the nearest water/aid station or staff member that you need medical assistance. Make sure you provide your bib number to initiate your care.
    • Helping another runner– if a fellow runner needs help, please use the same steps listed above to help get the runner medical assistance. Make sure to provide the bib number of the runner in need of help.
  • After you have finished the race, please do not leave the post-race area until you are able to drink without vomiting, stand without dizziness and feel okay. If you are not feeling well, please come to the event medical tent to be evaluated by the medical team before leaving the post-race area.

Manage your Health and Safety on Race Day – Race Healthy, Race Smart

In the interest of providing a safe and enjoyable event experience for all entrants please take into account the following;

  • Keep to the left of the course to allow people to pass on the right
  • Be courteous to your fellow participants at all times
  • Please obey instructions from race officials, volunteers, Police and traffic management at all times


Overall distance placings will be based on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Male and Female runner across the Finish Line.

All timing results will be available online by age group category and will be based on participant's mat time.

Timing mats will be located at all start lines and at the finish line. Additionally, all runners will receive a split time at various points throughout the course. These will be updated with precise locations closer to the event date.

Disposable timing chips are attached to the back of your race number and will record your time. Timing chips do not need to be returned.

We will also have an Event Mobile App that will include an athlete tracker so you can follow your friends results on the day.

Seeded Starts

In order to ensure a smooth start for all runners, seeded start zones will be in place at the start line of each event. Entrants are asked to assemble in the appropriate zone depending on their expected finish time. All walkers must start at the back of the pack to ensure runners are not hindered. Please look for the expected finish time signage marked in the start area. 

RunawayNoosa19 Mens Start

Bag drop

There will be a bag drop service for all runners, located at the Lions Park Festival Village on Saturday 24th from 5am. 

All bags must be accompanied by the race number gear tag, which is collected at Athlete Check-In. Please ensure your race bag has the gear tag attached before you drop it off at the designated bag drop area.

Please collect your bag by 1:00pm on Saturday before you leave the Festival Village. Any uncollected gear will be held at the Noosaville office for 2 weeks, afterward it will be donated to charity. 

Any gear left at the start lines or discarded and left at any point on the course will be collected and donated to Charity. You must NOT drop any gear at aid stations or anywhere on the course for later retrieval.

KV noosaMara 7994

Aid Stations

PURE Lemon 600x338

Each distance event will be well supported with Aid stations located across the course for all distances, approximately every 2.5km.

Aid stations will provide water, electrolyte sports drink provided by PURE Electrolyte Hydration, toilet facilities and first aid.

PURE Electrolyte Hydration is a premium electrolyte hydration drink, containing essential electrolytes Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium. It has a 5% carbohydrate content and is designed to help hydrate and fuel endurance, without being sickly sweet or causing stomach upsets.

Trial a starter pack HERE.

Please refer to course maps for aid station locations.

Full Marathon- Personal Drinks

Full Marathon Personal Drinks Station set up will be located just North of the Start line for Full Marathon runners only.

The bottles must be marked clearly with the runner’s race number. Runners are encouraged to mark bottles with a ribbon or colour for easy identification.
Bottles must be handed in at the Station Prior to Race Start.

No Drinks will be accepted after Race Start (6:15am). This will be the only personal drink station. The personal bottles will be set out in numerical order at the Personal Drinks Stations. No glass, metal or unsealed bottles will be accepted.


ASICS Runaway Noosa Marathon will have Pacers in both the Marathon and Half Marathon. 

Pacers are experienced runners, who will keep an even pace throughout the race, so you are able to keep pace or beat a certain goal time. 

If you would like to run with a Pacer or run a certain time, please keep an eye out for Pacers at the start line. Pacers will wear a running singlet and coloured balloon attached indicating their pace time. 

  • Marathon Pace times: 3.00, 3.10, 3.20, 3.30, 3.40, 3.50, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30

  • Half Marathon Pace times: 1.24, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 2.00, 2.10

All pacers are now filled - however feel free to apply in case someone pulls out.

*Times will only appear for available pacer times. 


Spectator Info

Spectator viewing locations

To ensure your support crew, family and friends can see you out there on the event course and cheer you on, we will identify a number of great spectator viewing locations. Please view the Spectator map and familiarise yourself with the best way to get around the course as a spectator and the access points for spectators. 

Mobile App

Download the event mobile app for key information on all that is happening at ASICS Runaway Noosa Marathon. The app includes an athlete tracker so you can follow your friends.

Event day road closures

There will be a number of road closures in the Noosa Region on event day. View the road closure map and familiarise yourself with these closures and plan your day and driving routes accordingly.

Sat, 24 May 2025